Story About What We Do

Image 1 love
Image 2 peace
Image 3 hope
Image 4 joy
About Us

Who are We?

In 2018, a group of around 50 peace leaders, from different countries around the world came for a peace building camp for one week in the city of Duhok. Another 50 people from Iraq joined the camp, from backgrounds and religions. After this camp we found it very valuable to keep the same idea, principles and values that we learn in that camp to keep it alive and impact others. Therefore, in 2020 August 15  a core group of (two Christians, two Muslims and two Yazidis) noticed gender balances by having three females and three males decide to find progress in peace. Our NGO focus is on development and relief when needed. The NGO is based in Sinjar Area. 

Our Mission

Our mission

Our mission is to advocate for and educate minorities and other vulnerable communities for their rights. Our goal is to engage with local actors and government leaders to promote self-help and peace. Create space for ethnic groups to live together. Bringing a life-changing process to women and children’s rights. Encouraging all religious leaders to engage in dialogue and cooperation for peace based on the recognition that human dignity stems from a universal God who is the basis of harmony and unity. We seek through every work we do to bring love, reconciliation and joy to the place in which we serve.

Our Vision

Our Vision

Progress in Peace is a group of youth from different backgrounds and religions. We will keep this form as we grow bigger because we believe that all humans are equal and diversity is the key to developing our country. We seek equality in rights and duties where all citizens are equally treated not upon their backgrounds and religions but upon their experiences, abilities and skills. We believe through education of children and youth we can transform the community. We believe in including elderly and community leaders as part of the transformation.  We hope to work for peace advocating for minorities and other vulnerable groups. Our hope is to help women and youth to play a bigger role in our lives. We hope to restore love and social cohesion to our country. We hope to assist and inforce as partners towards a more peaceful and less violent society. We are ready to network locally and globally. 

Our Value

Our Values

God: We celebrate God as the source of all our actions.  We appeal to the universal divine acknowledged in all religions as the basis of human dignity, harmony, and unification. Humanity: We work with compassion and show equal regard, respect, and inclusivity.  We know that each person has a story to be heard, and will strive to be people-centred in our work. Generous Justice: We will be examples and catalysts for forgiving wrongs, forgoing revenge, and fostering reconciliation. Loving leadership: accountable, servant hearted, willing to learn and grow, and full of passion. Collaboration: We believe in working with others who are motivated to serve in the community. We hope to find partnership with everyone who wants to help our country.   Local focus: We believe in our local culture, respect local traditions and ideas. We strive to build our cultural capacity and transform negative norms. We hope to build relations and bridges wherever we go.  Ingertity: We will be accessible, transparent and take responsibility. 

We Aspire To